Film as Muse

Photo: Courtesy of the artist
Fri, 15.10.2021, 7pm
Curatorial Tour
Cinematic masterpieces often impact artists, sometimes even inspiring artworks. The exhibition Film as Muse explores this relationship, and presents film, video, photography, sculpture, painting, art installations and an online program. This research project has resulted in the presentation of artwork by fifteen international artists, each making a particular or peculiar reference to specific films. Film as Muse, not unlike The People’s Cinema (Salzburger Kunstverein, 2016), reflects upon creative and obsessive relationships between cinema and contemporary visual art in different manifestations. The exhibition posits itself as an initial step into researching and presenting contemporary art as it engages with cinema as its muse.
Artists: Joseph Beuys, Johanna Billing, Monica Bonvicini , Oisin Byrne, Hugo Canoilas, Loretta Fahrenholz, Anna Franceschini, Johan Grimonprez, Kristan Horton, Agnieszka Kurant, John Menick, Adrian Paci, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Ana Vaz & Tristan Bera
Curators: Adam Budak (Director, Kestner Gesellschaft Hannover), Sèamus Kealy, Bernardo José de Souza (Curator, Madrid)
Three movies of the exhibition can be viewed here: https://www.salzburger-kunstverein.at/film_as_muse_online_eng
The Digital Catalogue for this exhibiton can be seen here: https://www.salzburger-kunstverein.at/digitorial
5020 Salzburg
T +43 (0) 662 8422 94
E office@salzburger-kunstverein.at
Di-So, 12-19 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Büro:
Mo-Fr, 10-12 Uhr